Spatially Randomized Lightlines
A patented exclusive! 24" and 40" lines of white light for web and line scanning
1.Manufactured using a patented process called spatial randomization. Theprocess allows light from each input to be distributed over the entire lengthof the line. Therefore, should a light source fail while using multiple inputs,intensity is evenly reduced over the length of the line, rather than losing alllight in a section of the line.
2.Calibrated to ±15 gray scale levels at a mean of 200 with a gamma settingof 1.0 to deliver optimum uniformity. Refer to section 25.02.01for informationon uniformity of fiber optic products.
3.Assembly method accurately positions the fiber line within the body on allthree planes, to a tolerance of ± .004" (.1)*. The technique assures the fiberaxis will be parallel with the mounting surface of the body.
4.Standard input ferrule fits ColdVision Series light sources.
Can also be used with strobes.
5.The 24" (610) lightline accepts our dichroic filters and diffusers. To usecolor filters on the 40" (1016) line, part number A08931, color filteradapter, is required.
6.Rugged aluminum body with a black anodized finish.
7.Stainless steel tubing protects the fiber bundle.
8.Custom lengths, bundle exits, and line widths can be designed for yourunique requirements.
9.Lead-time may be required when ordering continuous lightlines and/or anycustom configuration of these products.
10.Cylindrical lenses are available. They are designed to collect light exitingthe lightline to increase intensity up to a factor of 10.